Election Platform - Nomination ID: 14148
Board of Directors (3 positions available)
The NACADA Board of Directors is the official governing body of the Association, and provides direction for the Association by developing and maintaining the Association's strategic plan. Board of Directors - 3 positions available, three-year term each (October 2018 - October 2021). Nominees must have served a full term as a Chair of a Division level sub-unit (region, committee, commission).
Jennifer L McCaul

University of West Florida
Pensacola, FL
Platform Statement: Part I

1. If elected to this position, what will you attempt to accomplish that will help to meet the strategic goals of the Association? (1500 characters or less)
NACADA provides professional development opportunities that are critical to newer advisors developing skills and frameworks in the profession. I would like to work to ensure that the Association continues to deliver high level, impactful programming throughout an advisor/administrator's career pathway by developing initiatives that provide advanced learning opportunities for those who are more seasoned.
There is an amazing amount of talent in this organization and so many new and early career members are able to find places to gain leadership experience and share their enthusiasm for this Association. However, there is a small funnel of opportunity for leadership once you have served in a formal position. I would like to work with NACADA leadership to continue to find ways to keep former leaders, seasoned advisors, and longtime members engaged in the ongoing workings of the Association and in the development of the profession.
It is also critical in the days of metrics and assessment... 

Platform Statement: Part II

2. Describe an accomplishment on your own campus or within NACADA of which you are proud. What do you believe your accomplishment demonstrates about your abilities as a leader? (1500 characters or less)
Many years ago, I was part of a group of academic advisors who developed the framework, bylaws, and structure for the Michigan Academic Advising Association which grew to be an extremely successful allied organization of NACADA. This was an amazing opportunity where I met colleagues and developed an advising network that launched my involvement in NACADA. Now I am using this experience to organize a group of colleagues from the panhandle region of Florida and coastal Alabama to create and develop the Emerald Coast Academic Advising Network (ECAAN). I hope that this new allied organization will provide opportunities for new and mid-level academic advisors in the region to find opportunities to build professional networks, serve in leadership roles, and continue to engage in professional development opportunities to grow as academic advising professionals. I think this shows my continued interest and engagement in further developing the academic advising profession and connecting others with... 

Platform Statement: Part III

3. Why are you interested in serving in this leadership position or what influenced you to run for this leadership position? (1500 characters or less)
I am excited for the possibility of my next leadership step in the organization that has been such a part of my life for nearly 16 years. NACADA has provided a place for me to meet people who have the same passion for working with students and improving advising on our campuses. This organization has provided me with multiple opportunities for involvement and leadership and has greatly impacted my career and professional development. Through my involvement I have been able to add to the scholarship of advising through publications and presentations, connect with other leaders through my positions/roles, and developed skills and frameworks that have helped shape advising across the institutions that I have worked for. I am committed to promoting and advancing NACADA membership; maintaining communication between NACADA and the membership, increasing diversity of membership, and providing leadership and continuity to those in elected positions.

Platform Statement: Part IV

4. Please describe how you will work to promote the enhancement of inclusivity throughout (or within) the association. (1500 characters or less)
I want to support and enhance ideas that are already underway within NACADA to promote inclusivity. This includes activities and groups such as the emerging leaders program, the global initiatives committee, and several of the commissions and interest groups which support specific populations, among others. Additionally, I want to encourage the Association to establish relationships with colleagues at institutions who have traditionally not seen a high level of involvement within NACADA. Inclusivity of different viewpoints and ideas and opportunities to share are important tenets of the Association that must be continued and strengthened where possible.

Past Involvement in NACADA

5. Outline your past involvement in NACADA:
     a. Years in NACADA
     b. National Offices Help and Accomplishments Achieved

NACADA Activities and Positions Held
• Sustainable Leadership Committee – 2017 - Present
• Awards Committee – 2014-Present - determine priorities and initiatives related to awards each year
• Awards and Scholarships Application Reviewer - 2009-Present
• Summer Institute Participant - 2016
• Past Chair, Great Lakes Region V – 2011-2012 - began work on a region chair handbook and supporting files to assist with
        leadership transitions
• Chair, Great Lakes Region V – 2009-2011 - worked with the steering committee to start the Great Lakes ~ Great Leaders
        mentoring program
• Assessment Institute Advisory Board – 2009-2010 - determined priorities and goals for the Assessment Institute
• Globalization Sub-Committee – 2009-2010 - assisted NACADA with developing a global viewpoint of advising
• Assessment Institute Participant - 2009
• Silent Auction Chair, 2008 & 2009 Annual Conferences - solicited donations and organized the first two... 

NACADA Executive Office
Kansas State University
2323 Anderson Avenue, Suite 225
Manhattan, KS  66502-2912
Phone: (785) 532-5717   Fax: (785) 532-7732
e-mail: nacada@ksu.edu

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