NACADA / Conference Presentation Proposal / Presentation Handouts
Presentation Proposal - NACADA Annual Conference
Presentation Info and Handouts
Conference Year: 2024
Session #: (LEC)
Title: Striving to Be the First: Understanding Summer Melt
Lead Presenter: Lawree Glenn
Date: December 31, 1969    Time: 6:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Abstract: Striving to Be First: Understanding Summer Melt
College acceptance does not always result in college enrollment for students from marginalized backgrounds. They may come from low SES backgrounds and be first-generation college students. These students have a higher probability of experiencing summer melt (Castleman & Page, 2014). Summer melt occurs when college-intending students meet all the criteria set forth by their college of choice, gain acceptance into college, yet fail to enroll in the fall following their high school graduation (Rall, 2016).

'Castleman, B. L., & Page, L.C. (2014). A trickle or a torrent? Understanding the extent of
summer 'melt' among college-intending high school graduates. Social Science
Quarterly, 95(1), 202-220.'

'Rall, R.M. (2016). Forgotten students in a transitional summer: Low-income racial/ethnic
minority students experience the summer melt. The Journal of Negro Education, 85(4), 10.7709/.85.4.046
Note: Handouts (if offered for this session) are accessible via the conference app.

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