NACADA / Conference Presentation Proposal / Presentation Handouts
Presentation Proposal - NACADA Annual Conference
Presentation Info and Handouts
Conference Year: 2018
Session #: 101(LEC)
Title: Positive Responses to Stress: Increasing Advisor Wellness Through Mindfulness and Yoga
Lead Presenter: Elizabeth Sutton
Date: October 01, 2018    Time: 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
Room: N 232 A/B
Abstract: Close your eyes. Take a long inhale through your nose; sigh a long exhale through your mouth. The benefits of mindfulness and yoga are touted by wellness blogs, magazines, and Instagram accounts alike, but how rarely do we breathe and take a moment for ourselves when caring for our students? Alternatively, how often do we allow the stress of our hectic advising jobs to impact our feelings of wellness and calm? This presentation will provide advisors a space to get centered, learn about the body's physical reaction to stress, identify specific stressors in our own advising lives, and ultimately to both experience and take away exercises and apps to create calm back at our institutions. Easy movement, all of which can be done from a chair, is included.
(click to download)
C101-H01.pdf --- Stress identification and response worksheet C101-H02.pdf --- Final slide presentation with citations

NACADA Executive Office
Kansas State University
2323 Anderson Avenue, Suite 225
Manhattan, KS  66502-2912
Phone: (785) 532-5717   Fax: (785) 532-7732

NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising
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