NACADA / Conference Presentation Proposal / Presentation Handouts
Presentation Proposal - NACADA Annual Conference
Presentation Info and Handouts
Conference Year: 2018
Session #: 116(LEC)
Title: Developing a 'College Mindset' Through a First-Year Seminar
Lead Presenter: Elizabeth Sutton
Date: October 02, 2018    Time: 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Room: N 224 A/B
Abstract: What is a 'college mindset'? How can you help students develop a 'college mindset' early in their undergraduate careers? Using Carol Dweck's growth mindset, various theories of resilience, and Angela Duckworth's work on 'grit', advisors in The Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania are attempting to teach a 'college mindset' through a freshman on-boarding course. This presentation will go into greater depth of what the 'college mindset' is, why it matters, and how we taught these concepts and behaviors to students. Attendees will participate in interactive activities, similar to those executed in class, and learn ways to incorporate these activities in the first-year seminar and beyond.
(click to download)
C116-H01.pdf --- Scenarios used with students to discuss growth mindset and resilience C116-H02.pdf --- L Sutton College Mindset slides C116-H03.pdf --- Worksheet on fixed/growth mindset and resilience skills

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