Election Platform - Nomination ID: 22056
Board of Directors (3 positions available)
The NACADA Board of Directors is the official governing body of the Association, and provides direction for the Association by developing and maintaining the Association's strategic plan. Board of Directors - 3 positions available, three-year term each (October 2024-October 2027). Nominees must have served a full term as a Chair of a Division level sub-unit (Region, Committee, or Advising Community).
Christopher A Kirchhof

University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh PA
Platform Statement: Part I

1. If elected to this position, what will you attempt to accomplish that will help to meet the strategic goals of the Association? (1500 characters or less)
The second bullet-pointed Strategic Goal for NACADA 2021-2026 is to develop innovative and expanded opportunities for professional development that are relevant across the global contexts of academic advising. The Region Review and subsequent implementation recommendations make for an exciting time within the Regional Division and a seminal moment in the future of NACADA. The Region Review has allowed us to be introspective of our organizational practices and ensure that our efforts meet the needs of our members with our regions.
As Regional Division Representative on the Council, I have helped to standardize practices within the Regions by restructuring each region’s operating principles and evaluating and standardizing practices among all Regions and Regional Conferences. As a Board member, want to continue to advocate for standardized practices while also ensuring each region retains their history and culture wile and assess whether all NACADA organizational structures meet the professional... 

Platform Statement: Part II

2. Describe an accomplishment on your own campus or within NACADA of which you are proud. What do you believe your accomplishment demonstrates about your abilities as a leader? (1500 characters or less)
My proudest moment within NACADA has been my experience co-chairing the 2017 Region 2 Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. Being involved in regional leadership, I knew the professional and personal value of regional conferences. When the regional conference cycled back to my area, I knew I wanted to lead the conference to serve and give back to advisors in my area, many of whom have not previously attended a NACADA event, thus had not seen the value of being a NACADA member. The planning and execution of the 2017 Region 2 Conference has given me great personal friendships and the satisfaction of, years afterwards, hearing from colleagues about what a great conference experience they had.
Planning a conference forced me to develop a skill set I had not used before and helped me to establish leaderships skills I can confidently use on my campus. The 2 years of planning forced me to be creative in developing a fun theme, foresee and manage short and long-term deadlines, budget for all types of... 

Platform Statement: Part III

3. Why are you interested in serving in this leadership position or what influenced you to run for this leadership position? (1500 characters or less)
I want to serve on the NACADA Board of Directors as I believe this allows me to serve with the greatest impact within the association. NACADA has given me leadership opportunities, professional development experiences, and professional connections that have helped to better my career and, in turn, my advising practices. Being on Council has taught me many things about the NACADA organizational structure, which in turn allowed me to help provide a consistent regional experience to members that I believe needs to be developed across the association. I believe that as NACADA provides many positives in higher education, but has so much work to do. We need to provide new advisors and new members transparency in the leadership structure, access to leadership mentors, and empower them to become involved with the association at every level.

Members elected to this cohort of the Board will end their tenure at the 50th Annual Conference. There is a lot of work to do to ensure the association... 

Platform Statement: Part IV

4. Please describe how you will work to promote the enhancement of inclusivity throughout (or within) the Association. (1500 characters or less)
Members of the Board need to be reasonable thinkers devoid of personal agendas. Almost all NACADA leaders are committed to promoting an inclusive association, but we must, as a Board and leadership team, take this message from statement to action. Our goals must become standard practices, not aspirational thoughts. As a Board member, I want to help assess and address the barriers preventing advisors from becoming members and members from becoming leaders. I want to look at the association and what professional development and leadership opportunities can be provided for advisors who do not have adequate support from their institution. We, as NACADA, need to advocate for that support. I want to look at campuses or population areas where NACADA involvement is low and empower both the Regional and Advising Communities Divisions to work to provide professional development experiences to these advisors. I became involved in NACADA because leaders before me took the time to make me feel welcome.... 

Platform Statement: Part V

5. Outline your past involvement in NACADA:
     a. Years in NACADA
     b. National Offices Held and Accomplishments Achieved

Elected, NACADA Council, Region Division Representative, 2020-2022
Appointed, NACADA Region Review Implementation Committee, 2020-2021

Regional Division:
Region 2 Chair: 2018-2020
Region 2 Conference Chair: 2017
Region 2 Conference Committee: 2014
Western Pennsylvania Liaison: 2013-2017
Region 2 Steering Committee: 2013-2017, 2018-2020

Advising Communities Division:
Advising Transfer Students Advising Community Chair: 2014-2016
Advising Transfer Students Steering Committee Member: 2012-2018

Administrative Division:
Annual Conference Co-chair: 2024, Pittsburgh
Annual Conference Advisory Board: 2017-2021, 2023-2025
ELP Advisory Board: 2022-2024
ELP Mentor: Class of 2020-2022

2016 Outstanding Advising Program Winner, NACADA Global Awards Program
2014 Annual Conference Sponsored Presenter for Advising Transfer Student Advising Community
2013 Region 2 Outstanding Advisor, Primary Role Award Winner

Reader for Awards & Conference Proposals at both Annual... 

NACADA Executive Office
Kansas State University
2323 Anderson Avenue, Suite 225
Manhattan, KS  66502-2912
Phone: (785) 532-5717   Fax: (785) 532-7732
e-mail: nacada@ksu.edu

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