Presentation Proposal - NACADA 2025 Annual Conference
Proposal Overview
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Conference Info
NACADA 2025 Annual Conference

Caesars Palace
Las Vegas, Nevada
Sunday, October 26th - Wednesday, October 29th

Proposal Deadline:
February 27, 2025

Contact Info
NACADA Executive Office

Kansas State University
1114 Mid Campus Dr N, Bluemont Hall 013
Manhattan, KS 66506

(785) 532-5717

(785) 532-7732


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Presentation Format - In-Person or Virtual
We are continuing the virtual ticket for 2025. Please select your preference below regarding your presentation format.
Virtual Presentation Only
In-Person Presentation Only
Virtual or In-Person Presentation - No Preference
Please Note
  1. Conference planners will determine the appropriate room setup for in-person sessions.
  2. Virtual presentations will be presented via Zoom. You will be presenting online to virtual participants. There will not be an in-person audience.
Presentation Title
Note: Effective titles are clear and concise. Avoid making presentation title too long.
(maximum length 100 characters)
Please choose an advising track as it applies to the content of your presentation. 
     Primary Track
Selecting Advising Communities:
You will only be able to select Advising Communities categorized within your track selection above.

Please select up to two Advising Communities that best apply to the content of your presentation. If your presentation does not align with an Advising Community, please select "None".

Your session will be considered for community sponsorship if at least one is selected.
Program Format
Please rank - numerically - the formats you would accept for this presentation. (1 indicates the format you feel most appropriate.) The committee may assign you a different format to ensure a balanced program. Mark only the formats you will accept. (Choosing all formats will not enhance the chances of getting your proposal accepted.)
Lecture or Discussion Format for Concurrent Session
A 60-minute presentation by one or more presenters; discussion time for questions and answers is encouraged. The length of time set aside for discussion is at the discretion of the presenters.
Panel Format for Concurrent Session
We encourage institutions to come together with a common issue to form a panel.

A panel will consist of a brief introduction by the panel moderator, followed by a brief presentation from each panelist followed by an interactive question-and-answer period with the audience. The best panel sessions are highly interactive, with panelists representing multiple points of view or perspectives from different institutions.

Panels will be formed by individuals submitting their own teams; panels will not be teamed up by the Conference Committee. All panel sessions are expected to have a moderator for their session.

Panels are expected to represent the views or perspectives of more than one institution.
(In-Person Only) Poster Presentation
Presented in the form of a bulletin display and delivered primarily through the use of graphics and handout materials. These sessions are most appropriate for display of specific programmatic approaches and research findings. The presenter should expect to make brief remarks, share information, and answer questions about the presentation topic.

---- OR ----

Proposals being submitted for a Preconference Workshop (PCW) will only be evaluated for a PCW. If you would like to be considered for a Concurrent or Poster Session please submit an additional application with the appropriate format.
(In-Person Only) Preconference Workshop:2-Hour  3-Hour  4-Hour
Preconference workshops are designed to feature specialized topics in the advising profession. These should be highly participatory sessions that cannot by effectively addressed in another format. Session participation is limited to maximize the opportunity for interaction. All preconference workshops are on Sunday, October 26th.

---- OR ----

Proposals being submitted for a Scholarly Paper (SP) will only be evaluated for a SP. If you would like to be considered for a Preconference Workshop, Concurrent, or Poster Session please submit an additional application with the appropriate format.
(In-Person Only) Scholarly Paper:
A scholarly paper will address an issue or question that either has been the subject of ongoing discussion/debate among scholars or that perhaps has not been recognized as a salient issue but should be. This paper may argue for a novel position on the issue at hand, or may argue for a familiar position in a novel way. The argument will make use of the methods and epistemologies of one or more academic discipline, and will do so in a way that (in addition to supporting the paper's position) models the academic discipline(s), as applied to advising.

The final manuscript should not exceed 30 double-spaced pages (excluding citations). The papers are to be uploaded into the conference portal no later than Friday, September 26th, 2025. Authors are permitted no more than 15 minutes to present during these multi-paper sessions. Authors who fail to submit their manuscript by the deadline will not be permitted to present at the conference.
Additional Program Format Option
Additional program formats may be assigned to allow for more informal discussions and networking.  

Please select the option that would best fit your presentation proposal.
Core Competency:
Please select at least one NACADA Advising Core Competency that applies to your presentation. You may select a maximum of three competencies. 
View Core Competencies
Core Competency 1     
Core Competency 2     
Core Competency 3     
What is your presentation based on?
Research - Results of a research-based study or a summary of research applicable to a topic with implications for advising practice or theory.
Theory - Theory-based and challenges or enforces a particular theory.
Models/Applications - Tells how an institution has implemented an advising strategy and its results at that institution.
Personal Growth as an Advisor - Strategies that can help advisors develop personally to enhance their professional effectiveness.
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Use the Lead Presenter's last name or any password you choose.

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Is your proposal based on the results of a survey or interview protocol distributed to NACADA members? NACADA member surveys (written or oral) must be approved PRIOR to submission of a presentation proposal.

Failure to secure approval to distribute a survey or to recruit interview participants through NACADA listservs prior to submitting a conference proposal is grounds for cancellation of a proposal/conference session.

Further, if the research study involves collection and reporting of data from human participants, the proposal must indicate that appropriate approval for Human Subjects Research (IRB protocols and/or ethics and compliance in research processes) has been received, or will be, at the time of the conference presentation.

If you have a question, please call the Executive Office (785-532-5717) or email

Panels sessions typically consist of at least 3 or more presenters. Panels are formed by the lead presenter submitting the proposal, must have a moderator, and are expected to represent the perspectives of more than one institution. One of the presenters may serve as moderator for the session. When submitting a proposal, please include the names of all panelists/presenters taking part in the presentation.

Does your proposal fit this description? If not, please update your first ranking selection to the LEC option for a standard concurrent session.

Preconference Workshops (PCWs) are expected to have a lengthier abstract (250 words), a proposal outlining the interaction to take place, and a detailed explanation of materials the attendees will receive. As noted, if you would like to be considered for a Concurrent or Poster Session please submit an additional application.

Click the Okay button to continue submitting a PCW proposal or to change your session format to a Concurrent, Panel, or Poster session.

Scholarly Paper (SP) proposals will only be evaluated to be considered for a SP session. Proposals are expected to substantially outline the issue or question the paper will address, including a clear description of the methods and epistemologies of one or more academic disciplines. If accepted, the final manuscript must be uploaded by Friday, September 26th, 2025. Additional instructions will be provided for uploading the final manuscript.

Click the OKAY button to continue submitting a Scholarly Paper proposal or change your session format to a Concurrent, Panel, or Preconference Workshop session.

You may not choose a PreConference Workshop (PCW) or Scholarly Paper format and also another session type. We have cleared the PreConference workshop and Scholarly Paper selection for you at this time.

NACADA Executive Office
Kansas State University
1114 Mid Campus Dr N
Bluemont Hall 013
Manhattan, KS 66506
Phone: (785) 532-5717   

NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising
All rights reserved