NACADA / Conference Presentation Proposal / Presentation Handouts
Presentation Proposal - NACADA Annual Conference
Presentation Info and Handouts
Conference Year: 2024
Session #: P18(PRE-4)
Title: A Primer on the Assessment of Academic Advising
Lead Presenter: Rich Robbins
Date: October 27, 2024    Time: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Room: 315/316, DLCC
Abstract: What is the purpose of assessment of academic advising? What am I getting myself into if I start this process? What are the steps involved? Where do I begin? You may have some of these questions and more if you are looking to conduct assessment of academic advising on your campus. In today's higher education climate of learning outcomes and accountability many of us will be involved in the assessment of academic advising at some point. This interactive workshop, led by faculty members of the NACADA Assessment Institute, will discuss ways to create a culture of assessment, reasons for conducting assessment of advising, the difference between evaluation and assessment, the concept of advising as teaching, and assessment as research. Participants will learn about the steps in the assessment cycle and have opportunities to work on each step of the process. The session will ensure that attendees are introduced to assessment terminology and engage in building a foundation for their own assessment plans, including discussion of mission, vision, goals, student learning outcomes, and advisor outcomes. The session will also overview outcome measures, reporting on the assessment results, and implementing changes as a result of the findings.
Note: Handouts (if offered for this session) are accessible via the conference app.

NACADA Executive Office
Kansas State University
2323 Anderson Avenue, Suite 225
Manhattan, KS  66502-2912
Phone: (785) 532-5717   Fax: (785) 532-7732

NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising
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