NACADA / Conference Presentation Proposal / Presentation Handouts
Presentation Proposal - NACADA Annual Conference
Presentation Info and Handouts
Conference Year: 2024
Session #: P09(PRE-2)
Title: Empowering Advisors: Mastering Difficult Conversations, Student Parallel Planning, and Self-Care
Lead Presenter: Megan Roberts
Date: October 27, 2024    Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Room: 330, DLCC
Abstract: Do you advise students interested in pursuing a competitive entry program? This workshop discusses the process from initial advisement appointments to supporting students in overcoming barriers to success. The workshop focuses on strategies for advising students who may not be competitive applicants for their program of choice, including the importance of parallel planning and strategies for having difficult conversations with students who need to be directed to an alternate major/program. We will discuss how to best prepare students for multiple career/major possibilities when seeking entry into a competitive program, including ways to expand their self-knowledge and knowledge of other majors and careers. We will share materials used with students during these conversations, such as Academic Success Plans and Life Design activities. We will then discuss the importance of Advisor self-care and well-being when working in the role of someone who is delivering unwanted or unexpected news and engaging in difficult, emotionally-charged conversations. Participants will have the opportunity to work in pairs and small groups to practice these techniques and create a self-care plan. We will also present the findings of recent qualitative studies conducted by the presenters that explored the experiences of students who were not admitted to their program of choice. Overall, this presentation will address the Relational and Conceptual competencies by exploring methods for successful advising interactions and strategies for approaching conversations with students who are pursuing competitive entry fields.
Note: Handouts (if offered for this session) are accessible via the conference app.

NACADA Executive Office
Kansas State University
2323 Anderson Avenue, Suite 225
Manhattan, KS  66502-2912
Phone: (785) 532-5717   Fax: (785) 532-7732

NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising
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